Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm Back!

Wow, it has been a crazy few weeks.  I had a midterm exam in Old Testament, on which I did well.  I turned in my midterm essay for History...don’t know how I did on that, yet!  I completed my practica in my United Methodist Worship class (we develop and led a worship service) and we did well on that (my litany was only so-so, it didn’t “draw on the theme of the service”).  Tonight I have a quiz on the latter prophets, my rule of life is due on Wednesday and Thursday I have a paper due on Stookey’s Eucharist book.

I write all of that only to excuse my on-line absence over the past few weeks, but now I’m back.  This weekend I should have been reading for my Old Testament, but instead I am catching up today.  I went to Janesville, WI to worship with a church (the church for whom I led a youth retreat a few weeks ago).  It was fun to see the youth again and to  get away from the seminary for the morning.  When I got back Sunday afternoon my friend Jill, from Green Bay, had just arrived in Chicago, so she picked me up on her way down into the city and we were able to catch up.  I came back up on the train around 8 p.m. and was able to read some old testament on the train home although I was sitting near to a nut case and it was hard to concentrate.  I should tell you the story:

This strange guy starts hitting on this odd girl who sat next to him.  He starts telling her everything about him and his job.  She clearly was not interested after just a minute or two and you could see her eyes roving for an empty seat away from the guy.  Everything about her verbal and physical cues should have told him that she wasn’t interested, but he asks for her number and she wouldn’t give it to him. (smart girl) but he just keeps on it - all the way until she was off the train and then he continued swearing and kept muttering about how she was playing hard to get....    weirdo!

It has been a busy but fun weekend.  Now I just have to get back to work today so that I am well prepared for tonight’s class.

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