Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jr. High Alive Camp

I wasn’t really sure about whether I would enjoy Jr. High Camp.  I sound like a child, right?  “Mom, NO! You just CAN’T make me go to camp.  I don’t know ANYONE!”  The truth is that I didn’t know if I could enjoy Jr. High camp as much as I did Sr. High camp.  I’ve been volunteering at Night Owl camp for the past several years and enjoy working with the high school kids and just didn’t know if I would have enough patience for the younger youth for a week straight.

The truth of the matter is that I had a wonderful time!  The youth were extraordinary and I’m still coming down off of the ‘energy high’ that I get from a week at camp.  I wonder how many people (especially pastors) are out there thinking what I was thinking, “I don’t have enough energy,” “The kids won’t relate to me,” or (this is the big one) “I don’t have enough time.”  I hope that both lay people and pastors in churches will take time to call the camping office and volunteer for one week next summer.  It doesn’t take any special skills, except the desire nurture children in christian fellowship and discipleship. In fact, each year I leave for camp stressed and wondering how I ever thought I could have time to take a week off, getting to camp and enjoying the experience, and then coming home renewed and refreshed.  It does as much for the volunteer as for the campers!